Information is also power. Please utilize our resource page to learn more about the tools and supports available to you as you develop, grow and sustain your business. AABCA works with Black contractors, supplies, small businesses and entrepreneurs to ensure fairness, justice and inclusion in the construction and trade industries in the greater St. Louis community. Become a member today. Together we can build a stronger more inclusive St. Louis and restore wealth in the Black community.
Small Business Administration
The Small Business Administration (SBA) is a federal agency that helps small businesses start, grow, and succeed:
Funding: The SBA offers loans, disaster loans, and grants to help small businesses get funding. SBA-backed loans can be used for many purposes, including operating capital, long-term assets, and seasonal financing.
Counseling: The SBA offers free counseling and education to help small businesses.
Contracting: The SBA helps small businesses get government contracts.
Management: The SBA offers help with management and other programs.
The City of St. Louis
An ordinance approving a Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Program for 6 the City of St. Louis; authorizing certain other actions; amending Ordinance 69427 pertaining to 7 workforce inclusion by amending Sections Three, Four, Five, and Ten of said ordinance, which 8 are codified as Sections 3.110.020, 3.110.030, 3.110.040, and 3.110.090 of the Revised Code of 9 the City of St. Louis, to increase percentage goals for minority, women, and city residents, and to 10 put in place a mandatory one-year disqualification penalty and liquidated damages for developers 11 and contractors who fail to meet the goals; and containing a severability clause.
The Minority Business Development Agency
The Minority Business Development Agency’s (MBDA) mission is to promote the growth and global competitiveness of Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) in order to unlock the country’s full economic potential. MBDA promotes the growth of minority business enterprises through the mobilization and advancement of public and private sector programs, policy, and research.